Sydney.Dominic Sullvan at the Washington Park Library and Community Hub Launch in Sydney - 2019
PAYCE Director, Dominic Sullivan said local residents joined special guests to celebrate the official opening of the new Riverwood Library and Community Hub at Washington Park.
"The new library and community hub are located in one of the last residential buildings to be completed as part of the highly successful public-private partnership project between PAYCE and the State Government," Mr. Sullivan said.
New Community Facility is Well Received by Locals – Dominic Sullivan
"The $3 million community facility was opened by Canterbury Bankstown Mayor, Cr Khal Astour and local resident, Betty Orton, the oldest library card holder in Riverwood, who cut a ribbon to signify the new library was ready to welcome current and new members."
Mr Sullivan said the new facility boasts a range of features, including:
• an audio visual system and hearing loops
• multiple computers in a dedicated technology space
• flexible function rooms equipped with a kitchen
• conference rooms with smart screens, and
• a dedicated children's activities area.
Following a smoking ceremony conducted by Uncle Matt Doyle and the official opening, everyone was invited to tour the new facilities and join in various activities that included demonstrations of library services, author talks, children's reading and craft activities. Entertainment included live music, a local dance troupe and young performers.
Kick Start Café Provided Excellent Catering for the Event - Dominic Sullivan
Mr Sullivan said that outside the library, the Kick Start Café provided catering for morning tea and volunteers from the local residents' organisation, ROAR, cooked a sausage sizzle, while a jumping castle and tea cup rides kept the young ones entertained.
Mayor Astour thanked PAYCE for the important part it played in making the new library and community hub a reality and for creating an opportunity for young generations in the Riverwood community.
Mr Sullivan said Riverwood is now home to one of the best equipped community libraries and facilities to be found anywhere in the country.
"The new facilities cap off what continues to be a wonderful and highly successful partnership between a number of community organisations and groups in Riverwood," he said.
Washington Park Continues to Grow as a Community through new Initiatives – Dominic Sullivan
"Washington Park has been the catalyst for a vibrant, inclusive lifestyle that continues to build and this new library and community hub will play an integral and important role in the lives of the community as a place to learn, socialise and grow.
"Congratulations to Mayor Astour and the library staff on a fantastic job of delivering the new library to the community who, I am sure, appreciate having this brand new, bigger and better facility available to them," Mr Sullivan said.
- Dominic Sullivan – General Manager of Payce Consolidated Sydney NSW
- Dominic Sullivan – Payce Consolidated, Sydney Property Development Company
- Dominic Sullivan – Apartment Developments in Sydney
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